Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Ways to Download

We have our main way to Download which is the SVN client.

Here is the link to the torrent.

Now I offer download support for Mediafire download now as well.


Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Revision 4031

Revision 4031
Lillibilli: Fixed the potential crash on startup some people had the last few revs.
For developers: DO NOT UPLOAD a different "Game.ini", it causes crashes for some players.

Monday, January 26, 2015


We have been doing SVN because it is easier to update, but I realize some people might now want to do that method to get the game so I will Start to torrent the game and update it as often as I can.

Here is our torrent that is up todat if the last Revision 4030.

Sunday, January 25, 2015

Revision 4027 - Revision 4030

Revision 4027
Lillibill: Hopefully fixed the repeating viper quest outro cutscene.

Revision 4028
Lillibilli: Fixed the desert tribes vendor to sell the right stuff (no more french potions or weapons that don't work).
Fixed desert viper quest outro cutscene, does not break if the text is skipped anymore.

Revision 4029
Lillibilli: (revamp) fixed some crashes, lots of hashes are still missing (commented out and made a note of it), script manages to get trough the first day.
most submethods of handle_work are empty.
attractiveness computation needs to be changed from reputation to popularity once that is coded back in.

Revision 4030
Lillibilli: Fixed Hinata Hyuuga initial equip (no more free golden set).
Fixed the replicating stuff bug from a number of girls. (hopefully)
Added a debug check for developers, it will now print an error during game loading if a wrong body type was entered in the xml.

Saturday, January 24, 2015

Revision 4021 - Revision 4026

Revision 4021
Lillibilli: (revamp) Corrected a few typos in the database and added the missing Monster Girl trait.

Revision 4022
Lillibilli: Added missing Monster Girl trait.
Added quest actors to the correct arrays in the script.

Revision 4023
Lillibilli: Fixed lighthouse collisions and transfer points. (if you saved in the void do not update till you are back into the main part of the map)

Revision 4024
Lillibilli: (revamp) Corrected some more typos, fixed some methods, script still says hi.

Revision 4025
darkdevilcrime: Removed folder copy. Improved Ballroom_Mask.png look. Included a copy of old version.

Revision 4026
darkheart8500: Fixed lumberjacks not buying pine wood.

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Revision 4020

Revision 4020
Lillibilli: Deril fully debugged, still pending a final graphical makeover before release. 

Revision 4017 - Revision 4019

Revision 4017
Lillibilli: Fixed mayor of Arune being unresponsive under a specific set of circumstances and blocking progress in the mohawk questline.

Revision 4018-4019
Lillibilli: Main Deril dungeon fully debbuged, still need to debug the into and outro cutscene.

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Revision 4015 - Revision 4016

Revision 4015
Lillibilli: More deril debugging.

Revision 4016
Lillibilli: (revamp) Coded handle_waiting_customers method. (still needs some filling out to do, probably needs refinement as well). Corrected a typo in The Hot House.xml file.

Monday, January 19, 2015

Revision 4013 - Revision 4014

Revision 4013
Lillibilli: Yet another debugging pass of deril.

Revision 4014
Lillibilli: Ninja reverted the script file.

Revision 4010 - Revision 4012

Revision 4010
Lillibilli: More debugging of a WIP quest.

Revision 4011
Lillibilli: Fixed a potential progression blocker in the mohawk questline when using old saves.

Revision 4012
Edwards21: Major infrastructure added for Octo Quest (finally). New weapon, new enemy attacks, new enemies added. Quest skeleton written.

Sunday, January 18, 2015

Revision 4008 - Revision 4009

Revision 4008
Edwards21: Music addition for new Nivalis area maps. Some slight dialogue rewrites for Deril quest.

Revision 4009
Edwards21: Minor quest bugfixes.

Saturday, January 17, 2015

Revision 4004 - Revision 4007

Revision 4004
Edwards21: Minor updates to final Mohawk quest. Floating text added for quest rewards.

Revision 4005
Edwards21: Free Staff version of Deril Story character added. Yes, she'll be able to work a room, you're not losing out on sex pix.

Revision 4006
Edwards21: Administrata and organization on Deril story character.

Revision 4007
Lillibilli: More deril debugging.
Deleted unnecessary folder.
Deleted extra armor id reference txt to avoid confusion.

Revision 4002 - Revision 4003

Revision 4002
Lillibilli: More bugfixing for Deril, halfway done.

Revision 4003
Edwards21: Some animation and art assets required, but barring that, the final Captain Mohawk quest has been completed! Also added a non-populated version of Mohawk's lair for those not on the quest and wanting to explore.

Friday, January 16, 2015

Revision 3993 - Revision 4001 Smaller update

Revision 3993
Edwards21: Deril updates. New treasure added. Some enemy events corrected.

Revision 3994
Edwards21: New music for upcoming and current quests. Loop information for that music added.

Revision 3995
Edwards21: First stage of final Mohawk quest.

Revision 3996
Edwards21: More new groundwork for final Mohawk quest.

Revision 3997
Parth37955: fixed pic problems, thanks G5

Revision 3998
Darkheart8500: Pine tree quest added to the Nivalis region as well as the frosted forest.

Revision 3999
Darkheart8500: fixed one way transfers between the new nivalis maps

Revision 4000
Edwards21: More story for final Mohawk quest. Deleted my Sorcerer's Tower maps, I need to go back and redo them from zero, they're bad and I feel bad for making them.

Revision 4001
Edwards21: Story for Deril Quest ending completed. Now I just have to do the beginning.

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Revision 3971 - Revision 3992

Revision 3971
Parth37955: added Neliel Tu Oderschvank. also added some of kushina pics.

Revision 3972
Edwards21: Last of the Pre-Deril story stuff. QUEST IS STILL IN DEVELOPMENT, PLAY AT YOUR OWN RISK.

Revision 3973
Parth37955: renamed a nelliel pic. added some peach pics.

Revision 3974
Edwards21: Deril quest at 75% completion! Almost there!

Revision 3975
Darkheart8500: Re did the trees, fixed some small map stuff.

Revision 3976
Edwards21: Main Line of Deril quest completed. Optional events and reward event not yet implemented. DO NOT ATTEMPT. 

Revision 3977
Edwards21: First Deril quest optional event.

Revision 3978
Edwards21: Second optional Deril event! Also some bugfixing. The quest is almost live!

Revision 3979
Edwards21: Bugfix for recent quests.

Revision 3980
Edwards21: Barebones of Deril Quest complete for some outcomes! Final version should be up tomorrow!

Revision 3981
Edwards21: Deril story completion. Still some technicals to hammer out.

Revision 3982
Edwards21: Tileset update.

Revision 3983
Edwards21: Updated Deril Lighthouse map. Added clue for Elemental quest. WARNING: DERIL LIGHTHOUSE MAP HAS NO COLLISIONS AT THIS TIME. DO NOT ATTEMPT.

Revision 3984
Edwards21: Another update to Deril Lighthouse map. Now with more water.

Revision 3985
Edwards21: Collisions and new transfers on Deril Lighthouse map completed.

Revision 3986
Edwards21: Final Deril Lighthouse update before decorations.

Revision 3987
Lillibilli: Some deril bugfixing, far from over.

Revision 3988
Lillibilli: Fixed a couple of trees that didn't turn into stumps when cut, please report any that still don't.

Revision 3989
Allcor: implementing Dragon Quest 4 - Alena
Also some other pics i came accros mainly for Chii

Revision 3990
Allcor: Forgot Alena's portrait

Revision 3991
Allcor: Capitalization wrong on some names. Tried to stealth fix it but Unfortunately SVN did not see the change. So have to give them all new names.

Revision 3992
Black_Imperator: future revamp stuff, fixing typo.

Saturday, January 10, 2015

Revision 3942 - Revision 3970 #3

Revision 3942
Black_Imperator: future revamp stuff : customer generation done ( minus name and sprite), new day changed to 6AM for calendar ( todo : need to put end of work and end_of_day menu at 5:59 to have correct data)

Revision 3943
Edwards21: New minibosses, gear, and quest items added for new Elemental quest!
Note: Dynamic Sprite Data may be needed for "Airy Bracelet" item.

Revision 3944
Edwards21: Big update. Lots of pathing in the Southern Plains and Deril. Music loop updating. Updates to Elemental and Deril quests. Map graphics updates.

Revision 3945
Lillibilli: Bugfix and improved assets for a quest in development. 

Revision 3946
Black_Imperator: some more stuff.

Revision 3947
Edwards21: More map and music loop updating. New songs added for Elemental quest.

Revision 3948
Edwards21: New equipment stats for new character.

Revision 3949
Edwards21: Minor XML updates.

Revision 3950
Edwards21: Added character information for new character in preparation for Elemental quest and boss fight.

Revision 3951
Lillibilli: Updated xml for a quest in developement.

Revision 3952
Lillibilli: Fixed startup crash. 

Revision 3953
Lillibilli: Quick xml fix.

Revision 3954
Lillibilli: Script update for developers.
Variables and switches are not limited to 200 anymore, new limit is 999.

Revision 3955
Edwards21: Deril pathing is now complete! All doors and areas properly connect to each other with no transfer issue. Tileset resolved. New quest coming soon!

Revision 3956
Edwards21: Beginning dialogue and branching on new Elemental quest

Revision 3957
Lillibilli: (revamp) merged states script.

Revision 3958
Edwards21: First branch of dialogue added for Elemental quest.

Revision 3959
Edwards21: Elemental quest beta is live! Waiting for bug testing and some additional programming for full release.

Revision 3960
Lillibilli: Updated and released the Elemental quest, still lacks some fights and animations but completely playable. (needs first quest of the mohawk questline to be completed)

Revision 3961
Lillibilli: Minor fix to ellie class

Revision 3962
Edwards21: Additional battles added to Elemental quest.

Revision 3963
Black_Imperator: future revamp stuff, encounter done

Revision 3964
Darkheart8500: Expansion to Nivalis region, not yet playable.

Revision 3965
Edwards21: First batch of Quest Info for the Siege of Deril. 

Revision 3966
Allcor: All potraits now have a 128px vertion.
Jungle Tileset 
Update to pic pacs of Manace,Risty and Sanae Kochiya.
renamed or removed unlabeled pics
added some minor things to my indexer

Revision 3967
Lillibilli: Fixed problem when exiting the harpy's nest.
Improved deril intro cutscene. (rest of the quest is not live yet)
Added missing map.

Revision 3968
Lillibilli: Southern plains guard no longer AWOL.
Fixed a couple of campfires missing the animation.

Revision 3969
Lillibilli: Added new maps to the day/night and weather cycle.
Minor map map fix.

Revision 3970
Lillibilli: Fixed cutscenes of the mine dungeon to disallow player movement.

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Revision 3911 - Revision 3941 Big update Number 2

Revision 3911
Allcor: All portraits checked until L 

Revision 3912
Edwards21: Whole bunch of new maps. Deril geography at 75%!

Revision 3913
Edwards21: Deril geography for quests complete!

Revision 3914
Edwards21: First round of Deril corrections.

Revision 3915
Edwards21: 2nd round of Deril corrections. New tileset which will be put in place shortly.

Revision 3916
Edwards21: New battler and troop information for Captain Mohawk quest-line.

Revision 3917
Edwards21: Temporary enemy data added for Mohawk quest-line. Enemy events and text generated.

Revision 3918
Lillibilli: Added some scripting for a quest in the works.

Revision 3919 - 3920
Edwards21: Update to Mohawk, new battle animation.

Revision 3921
Edwards21: Dialogue rewritten because apparently saves can fail now.

Revision 3922
Edwards21: New maps and tile-set. Early bare-bones for new quest.

Revision 3923
Edwards21: More work on first Mohawk quest. First two scenes complete. Some testing required. PLAY AT YOUR OWN RISK.

Revision 3924
Edwards21: More of the first Mohawk quest.

Revision 3925
Edwards21: Mohawk quest 1 done and working as intended!

Revision 3926
Edwards21: Prep for second Mohawk quest, and some adjustments. Not ready for play yet, some bugtesting required.

Revision 3927
Edwards21: Pathing correction for Mohawk 2.

Revision 3928
Lillibilli: (revamp) Merged battle report script. 

Revision 3929 - 3930
Black_imperator: some file reorganizing for future revamp.

Revision 3931
Lillibilli: Debugged Mohawk questline.

Revision 3932
Parth37955: Custom xtmls .... again

Revision 3933
Edwards21: New music! Music for the following: Captain Mohawk HQ. Southern Plains. Deril. Captain Mohawk Battle Music. Deril quest Battle Music. Deril Boss battle.

Revision 3934
Edwards21: Loop points set for new battle music.

Revision 3935
Lillibilli: Eased up the sequence of tracking farley to be less strict in the desert viper quest.

Revision 3936
Lillibilli: More fixes to Desert viper quest and Mohawk questline.

Revision 3937
Edwards21: New maps for elemental quest.

Revision 3938
Lillibilli: Fixed a strange case of missing maps.

Revision 3939
Lillibilli: Fixed syntax error in the script. 

Revision 3940
Edwards21: Music loop update and map update.

Revision 3941
Added asset for a quest in development.
Closed a quest map that is not ready yet.