Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Revision 4039 - Revision 4044

Revision 4039
Lillibilli: Updated a couple of maps for Deril.

Revision 4040
Edwards21: First floor of the new and improved sorcerer's tower! Let's see if I can make this one suck less. 

Revision 4041
Lillibilli: Fixed The intro cutscenes to disallow player movement.

Revision 4042
Lillibilli: Updated 2 more Deril houses.

Revision 4043
Black_Imperator: future revamp stuff, encounter tips

Revision 4044
Lilliblilli: Fixed Arune's meeting hall podium collisions and look.
Updated a couple of maps in Deril.


  1. I tried playing this game but when I get to the start screen menu is blank what i mean by that is the words start select or exit don't show up and when hit enter to start the game and talk to the slave master it crashes

  2. and just so you know you torrent is down there are no seeders

  3. I know it doesn't because one people download the torrent they leave and don't seed it :(
    As for your issue I am not one of the programmers so I do not know how to solve your problem but if you would go to out chatango at http://sb2revival.chatango.com/ one of our coders can help you better then I could.

  4. Sounds like you're missing the fonts, you can find the files in a folder called Font in the game folder. Instructions on how to install the font is in the following link.http://www.idautomation.com/kb/ttf-install.html.
