Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Revision 4051 - Revision 4054

Revision 4051
Lillibilli: Updated Deril Dock's boat (mostly DeWasp's work)
Updated Deril Lighthouse exterior (DeWasp)
Updated Deril Plains (ejunks100)
Removed multiple weather definitions on some maps
Fixed savegame weather data to get redefined only if weather script has been changed
Fixed CCTS's WRITE_MISSING_DATA debug tool
CCTS fix for inconsistencies of the weather when swapping maps under some specific conditions, based on ArcaneAlchemy's work
CCTS fix for weather sounds being heard on wrong maps by KK20

Revision 4052
Lillibilli: (Revamp script)
merged CCTS fixes
- Fixed savegame weather data to get redefined only if weather script has been changed
- Fixed CCTS's WRITE_MISSING_DATA debug tool
- CCTS fix for inconsistencies of the weather when swapping maps under some specific conditions, based on ArcaneAlchemy's work
- CCTS fix for weather sounds being heard on wrong maps by KK20

added "sample" method to class Array in the "Library" script

added module CUST_CLASS to store the class id constants and the def self.customer_class_id_from_name(name)
previously under the DB module, it caused conflicts with the girl traits.

methods changed:
685 "Brothel" def allowed_by_bouncers?(cust)
- added "return true" as debug till the xml give default limit_type and current_limits

1358 "Brothel" def get_all_available_workers(job)
- changed "return res" to "return res.compact" so that it doesn't give nil results anymore

726 "Brothel" def get_possible_actions(cust,job)
- now returns the correct array of [action, rate] instead of an array of actions strings

764 "Brothel" def choose_possible_actions(girl,actions)
- added "ratedef += girl.obe/10" for defence against bribing
- corrected typo that caused a crash ("ratedeff" instead of "ratedef")

818 "Brothel" def test_action(action, customer, girl)
- added stat handling for bribing

1842 "Brothel" def get_rooNum(actor_id, jobNum, day=$game_system.time.week_day_num($game_system.time.day_name))
- added the "day" argument defaulting to the current day
- changed " if room.occupant_id == actor_id" to " if room.occupant_id[day] == actor_id"
- added "break if rooNum != -1" to avoid checking all the rooms if a match has already been found

3260 "New Menu" def menu_switch(index)
- added "@dayindex" as an argument to lines 3262 and 3393

Revision 4053
Lillibilli: Fixed crash in four versions of the forest's first map caused by an incorrect enemy troop list.

Revision 4054
Lillibilli: (Revamp script)
improved methods:
def handle_health_gain(value, reason=nil)
- Health_rate_hash missing, added it to the doc
- added self.add_health(val) after the hash modifier

def handle_health_loss(value, reason=nil)
- added method to actor class
- added possibilities to the conditional (all set to 10 for now)
- returns the value subtracted for use in determining exhaustion if necessary
- Health_loss_rate_hash added to the doc

def exhaustion?(vigor_loss)
- shifted method into the actor class

def add_exhaustion(reason, vigor_loss = nil, additional_duration = nil)
- added missing method to the actor class
- defaults to duration of 1 if no vigor loss is given to compute the duration
- incorporated compute_exhaustion method into this one to compute duration if vigor loss was given
- after all other calculations are done it adds the additional_duration argument to the current duration (so that exhaustion lasts more than encounter duration)

def compute_exhaustion(vigor_loss)
- deleted redundant method

def test_action(action, customer, girl)
- swapped handle_health_gain with handle_health_loss
- added check for exhaustion when necessary

def handle_waiting_cust(cust)
- added vigor loss and exhaustion check to guards interventions

def handle_pasttime_effects(cust,pasttime,wants)
- added vigor loss and exhaustion checks when appropriate

def compute_vigor_loss(cust,girl,tips,enc_dur)
- changed hash operation from multiplication to addition
- Tip_vigor_loss_hash added to doc

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