Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Hello all!

I am Selthor, and I am a.. Well.. Dev. Kinda.

I'm gonna be bringing you guys updates and things for the game. ^^

Now many of you may have heard of the Ranch brothel. Well, I can confirm it is coming. We have not decided on an official release date, however it will be within the next few months depending on time. It will be the largest brothel to date, and house 30+ girls. With it, we will add at least 1 quest that I know of.

Now on to whats been added these past few days! :D

We have been redoing stats for many of the girls and adding new pictures for some. (Tenten, Tsunade and Faye Valentine to name a few.)  New monsters have been added as well, I don't believe they are in playible areas yet. But they will be soon!

Keep watching for updates here guys! Will do my best to keep you posted. (:
