Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Revision 4169 - Revision 4178

Revision 4169
Removed checkpoint feature.
Added autosave during the end of day calculations.

Revision 4170
(Revamp script)
Fixed revenue and log method to handle tips correctly.

Revision 4171
(Revamp script)
Corrected stats calculations in brothel methods to return floats for more precise calculations.

Revision 4172
(All future revamp only)
Fixed maps to use new method of accessing brothel.totalRooms => brothel.rooms[room].size

For detailed list of exact changes, refer to Map_Transform_Log.txt (included)

Added the map search code to the script file, for future batch conversions and searches

Revision 4173
(Revamp script)
Fixed end of day log printing only for the brothel the player was in.
Removed some unnecessary methods, commented a few i was unsure about. (early testing seems to indicate that no crash from missing method has been introduced)

Revision 4174
Fixed crash upon entering harpy's nest upper rooms. Specifically:
changed the following 2 methods
(updated to use occupant_id)
Character / Player / Event
def change_wapp(workroom)
# Girls working in brothel:
wr_actor_id=workroom.occupant_id[$game_system.time.week_day_num()] if workroom != nil
if wr_actor_id != -1 && wr_actor_id != $game_party.actors[0] && ($game_switches[DB_BROTHEL::WORKING_HOURS_SWITCH] || $game_actors[wr_actor_id].still_working?)
@actor_id = wr_actor_id
@character_name = $game_actors[wr_actor_id].character_name
@actor_id = 0
@character_name = ""

(updated to default to today's week_num if no paramater provided)
Climate and Time System 
def week_day_num(day_name_parameter=nil)
# accepts the name of a week day and converts it into an integer:
# defaults to the current day if no parameter is provided
day_name_parameter=day_name if day_name_parameter==nil
for i in 0..(CCTS::DAYS.size-1)
if CCTS::DAYS[i]==day_name_parameter
return i
return -1

(Also as a result of the above, cleaned alot of code by changing all the calls to:
to use the new default

Revision 4175
(future revamp) fixed brothel crashes due to sprite spawning
this meant alot of changes, in alot of places, too many to detail

Revision 4176
(Revamp script)
Removed unnecessary methods form the brothel assignment menu.
Added week_day_name method to CCTS to get the day name based on the day of the week (defaults to current day if no argument is given).

Revision 4177
(Revamp script)
Fixed girl duplicating themselves when unassigning them after loading. (hopefully)

Revision 4178
(Revamp script)
Fixed the previous fix about duplicating girls.

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